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China forbids cryptocurrency, according to a WSJ News exclusive Notwithstanding, Binance conducts $90 billion in business there

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    Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange, was supposed to leave China behind when the country made cryptocurrency trading illegal in 2021.

    Almost two years later, users traded $90 billion of cryptocurrency-related assets in China in a single month, according to internal figures viewed by The Wall Street Journal and current and former employees. The transactions made China Binance’s biggest market by far, accounting for 20% of volume worldwide, excluding trades made by a subset of very large traders.

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    Author: Andrew Collier

    Last Updated: 1702702562

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    Name: Andrew Collier

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    Introduction: My name is Andrew Collier, I am a rich, exquisite, accomplished, sincere, ingenious, dedicated, Determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.