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7-year-old girl in Miami Gardens was airlifted to safety following a dog bite - WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale

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    MIAMI GARDENS, FLA. (WSVN) - Rescue crews airlifted an 7-year-old girl to the hospital after she was bitten by a dog in a Miami Gardens neighborhood, her family said.

    Miami-Dade Fire Rescue responded to the scene of the incident along the 3800 block of Northwest 207th Street Road, just after 6:45 p.m., Wednesday.

    According to the girl’s grandmother, Carletha Rodgers, the child was playing outside when she went to a neighbor’s yard.

    “She was going inside her neighbor’s yard to play with her friend,” said Rodgers.

    Sometime later, Rodgers said, a dog from another resident’s home got loose.

    “The dog snuck up behind her. The other little boy, he got away, he jumped on top of the car,” she said.

    Surveillance video from another neighbor captured the canine chasing 7-year-old K’lonie Huges and shortly after she is heard screaming.

    Rodgers said the dog chased her granddaughter behind a blue SUV parked outside the home and bit her twice.

    “He immediately attacked her,” she said.

    “I could have lost my granddaughter today,” said Rodgers.

    The bites on Huges were serious enough, that paramedics airlifted her to Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital.

    “She has injuries to her thigh, and she has injuries to her leg,” said Rodgers.

    Police remained at the scene well into the night as they investigated.

    According to the grandmother, the dogs’ behavior has been a problem in the past.

    The dog’s owners declined to show the animal, but one of them spoke with 7News.

    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, because I’m a mom, but I tried talking to her, but [she wouldn’t] listen,” said the dog’s owner.

    That apology brought little comfort to the victim’s family.

    “It was heartbreaking. They need to do something with the dog,” said Rodgers, “because there’d be several kids out here playing, and it could have easily just grabbed her neck.”

    The dog’s owners did not specify its breed but confirmed it’s a male.

    Miami-Dade Animal Services (MDAS) were seen speaking to Rodgers Thursday. 7News has reached out to MDAS to inquire about what will happen to the dog.

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